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Web Site

I am a professional writer and editor with special emphasis on science and technology.

During some 30 years in the field I have garnered newspaper, wire service, and magazine experience. Most recently, I authored a book, entitled Shattered Nerves: How Science Is Solving Modern Medicine's Most Perplexing Problem, about an exciting new area of medical implant technology created to return sight to the blind, movement to the paralyzed, and hearing to the deaf. Published late in 2006 by Johns Hopkins University Press, Shattered Nerves was recently cited by the Library Journal as one of the best science books of 2006.

While the focus of my writing over the years has been on science, I am a generalist by training and nature, with a degree in journalism from Ohio State University. This orientation has allowed me to specialize in making a wide range of complex subjects understandable and interesting to laymen and experts alike.

As a science writer I have covered, advanced energy technology, aviation and space, chemistry, computers, electronics, the environment, medical technology, and telecommunications.

My credits reflect the range of subjects I write about. They include, Air & Space Smithsonian, MIT's Technology Review, Nature Medicine, Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, IBM's Think Research, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Environmental Health Perspectives (the journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), Better Homes & Gardens, CIO Insight, Deixis (a DOE publication) Mechanical Engineering, National Forum, R&D Magazine, Science Digest, Good Housekeeping, and Pictures of the Future (a publication of Siemens AG).

I have also written feature articles for a number of Web-based publications, among them IBM's Intra and Internet sites, Minority Scientists Network, published jointly by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Science Magazine, and JustGarciaHill, another minority scientists site, published by the research society Sigma Xi.

I am a member of the Authors Guild, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, and the National Association of Science Writers.